Auld Lang Syne!

Many different customs mark the ringing out of the year past and bringing in the new year.  My great-grandfather was a German farmer who brewed his own beer and sported a wonderful, luxurious mustache.  He introduced the family to the  custom of eating creamed herring at the stroke of midnight, kissing your love, and exchanging silver coins for luck in the New Year.  Supposedly the silver scales of herring resemble the glint of coins!  My husband and I are not superstitious, but we have followed the tradition and prepare a small platter of herring, choose silver coins from the year we met, and kiss and exchange the “silver” as the clock strikes midnight.  The most important thing to carry into the New Year is hope–hope that things will be better, that we enjoy good health, and that the happy times outweigh the sad ones.  Some will raise a champagne flute and scoop caviar, or as we personally prefer Pepsi on ice with Velveeta and Rotel dip on tortilla chips.  Hum a few bars of Old Lang Syne and raise a cup of kindness yet for those old acquaintances.  And as for hope keep that flame going, cradle it in your palms and even if its just a small spark, tend it and it will kindle and point the way back to the path you need to take!  Happy New Year to all!