Spring Fling!

Spring has officially sprung and the bunny population in my house has increased! I love all bunnies and when out shopping they speak to me and ask to join my bunny pack! Latest acquisition below from Home Goods weeks ago before social distancing was a thing!

The enterprising Mama Bunny with her precious cargo on her back looked sweet with the circlet of roses on her brow. She carries 3 bitty babies!

Since Easter is next month, and we’re all staying inside our houses and cocooning, get out those bunnies if you got em, or order online and start your own love affair with these cuties!

Sister Sue with basket of chicks, Lavender with her egg, Mama giving baby some lovin!
Biking Buddies with a pink basket!
The first two bunnies I fell in love with, they started the whole bunny clan!
Miss Bling Bunny, covered in shimmery crystals, showing off her egg and rose wreath!
These dang critters love to cycle all over the house!
The whole Clan gets along famously! Sometimes you can get them to pose for a group photo!!
And don’t forget to:
Wash your hands!
Practice Social Distancing!
No hoarding, keep mindful of others’ needs!
Pray for all the families of the world!