Santa’s Pool Hall!

All rooms provide an equal opportunity for glitter come December 1 each year. There will be no skipping/skimping any rooms or surfaces when the Christmas Closet unleashes another flurry of boxes of Christmas Cheer. During the year it’s all serious Texas pool hall in there–Remington statue, Charley 1 Horse cowboy hats on the hat rack, spirits cabinet, spittoon, etc. But at Christmas we mix and match the spirit of the old west with our Christmas spirit. Yee-haw!

Love a fierce lion!

You’ll have to excuse these fine ladies of the Old West, we don’t want to shock anyone’s sensibilities, but these framed pictures suit a billiard establishment to a “T”, and we bought all of these we could find in a small shop. Hope you enjoy them, I know Santa will.

Enough of those naughty ladies playing pool and enjoying a soothing bath!